I grew up with a dad that is absolutely devoted to the Kruger National Park, which is totally understandable and I would agree in saying that it is the best place on earth. Regardless it meant that as a family we visited the park very often and at least once a year. I will brag more about tips and best camps in another post. In this post I am sharing with you the most precious thing that I have ever witnessed after a million holidays in the Kruger National Park.

My husband (then boyfriend) joined us on a Kruger-trip for the first time in 2011. Please understand that it was his first time visiting the park. Although familiar with Namibia and farm-living, he was still beyond mesmerized with the wild life and the countless animals that we have seen. He wanted to stop and view every single Impala… Now if you are familiar with the park you will know that you can still appreciate the Impalas without stopping for them as there are more than enough Impalas across the entire park.

On the third day of the trip André got used to the fact that we were not stopping for Impalas anymore. We are now only stopping for wild cats and wild dogs. We had extreme beginners luck the first time André came with us on this Kruger-trip. We saw wild dogs, leopards and lions more than once. So it really was not necessary to stop yet again for another Impala. The next moment André eagerly shouted: “stop!” My dad who was the driver saw the Impala and thought that either he was mad or he was joking, so he responded: “you are not serious?” Andre asked nicely for my dad to reverse the car because something was according to him very strange and different about that particular antelope. My dad reversed and first we could not see and then the Impala turned and we realized that she was about to give birth…

Our angle was perfect and we did not bother her at all. We had the sighting for ourselves so we turned off the car and sat their fascinated and captivated. A whole new life miraculously yet very naturally immerged right in front of us.

This story most amazingly taught me that if God could take care of the birds and the antelope; He will definitely be more than able and willing to take care of me (Mathew 6:26).

My dad took a video of the entire scene and you can have a look at it HERE (excuse the quality – it was his older camera). I managed to take these pictures with my Canon. What a blessed sighting and beautiful reminder it was of how precious life can be. An obvious thank you to my husband who really ‘looked’ and who always appreciate the small things in life.

Job 12:7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? 10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”